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DrOshidar • Aug 29, 2011

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consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus rhoncus, arcu non blandit tempus, elit diam congue velit, ac porttitor enim purus sed ante. In feugiat, velit eleifend placerat scelerisque, tortor felis hendrerit neque, sit amet semper turpis velit fringilla risus. Mauris tempus risus non tortor mollis sit amet viverra mauris ullamcorper. Donec sit amet massa orci, quis commodo eros. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed sed magna ante, quis lacinia augue. Vestibulum quis lectus sed nisl fermentum malesuada.

Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis tincidunt pharetra neque, sed convallis velit pellentesque at. Maecenas ac lacus felis, nec consequat eros. Duis sed velit sed neque vestibulum molestie. Cras mauris eros, cursus eu vehicula sit amet, vulputate luctus lorem. Sed dignissim nulla non risus condimentum dapibus euismod non quam. Integer sed nibh nec dolor scelerisque viverra.

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Phasellus mollis ullamcorper fringilla. Suspendisse ante turpis, blandit gravida condimentum eget, gravida sed augue. Nam nisi nibh, egestas varius porttitor eget, interdum eget ante. Integer interdum fermentum erat, in porta quam blandit id. Quisque volutpat faucibus commodo. Ut sed lorem ante, ut bibendum magna. Nulla posuere, purus vel fringilla dapibus, diam arcu placerat quam, at varius dui nulla at mauris. Proin eu erat nulla, sed tempus tellus.

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Fusce gravida, est a euismod tempus, elit ipsum adipiscing dolor, sit amet lacinia felis elit vel justo. Donec nisi enim, facilisis ac aliquet eget, placerat in tortor. Cras semper consectetur nunc, mattis dictum turpis sodales ut. Morbi malesuada, nibh vel rhoncus vehicula, ante enim imperdiet sapien, eu laoreet eros sem et arcu. Fusce accumsan dictum nisl, eget venenatis ipsum mattis sit amet. Quisque orci quam, pretium sagittis euismod et, iaculis et lacus. Ut imperdiet erat nec diam pretium consequat. Curabitur rutrum adipiscing nulla, interdum suscipit urna condimentum ultricies. Donec volutpat felis et neque aliquam nec egestas lacus hendrerit. Phasellus imperdiet diam ut orci pharetra in fringilla est molestie.

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Vivamus convallis, metus vel vehicula venenatis, turpis lacus egestas leo, ut mollis purus arcu in lectus. Quisque convallis mattis pulvinar. Maecenas consequat massa sed purus aliquam vel pretium leo imperdiet. Sed velit mi, placerat eget scelerisque id, tempus sed ipsum. Donec pulvinar ultrices diam ut ornare. Aenean ut ipsum vitae nisl consectetur vestibulum et vitae urna.

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dictum turpis sodales ut. Morbi malesuada, nibh vel rhoncus vehicula, ante enim imperdiet sapien, eu laoreet eros sem et arcu. Fusce accumsan dictum nisl, eget venenatis ipsum mattis sit amet. Quisque orci quam, pretium sagittis euismod et, iaculis et lacus. Ut imperdiet erat nec diam pretium consequat. Curabitur rutrum adipiscing nulla, interdum suscipit urna condimentum ultricies. Donec volutpat felis et neque aliquam nec egestas lacus hendrerit. Phasellus imperdiet diam ut orci pharetra in fringilla est molestie.

17 Apr, 2024 ** Feel free to use this article on your website. Compliments from Functional Medicine University . ** Read my past articles: View Rick Bramos Fitness YouTube Channel Here is Rick's New Video of the Week: Rick is now offering phone consultations for those wanting to lose weight or simply to improve their fitness. Rick can be reached at for more details. ATTENTION DOCTORS AND ALL HEALTHCARE PRACTITIONERS Tell your friends and colleagues about Clinical Rounds . This is a great introduction to the field of functional medicine. Here is the webpage to subscribe: Take care, Ron P.S. Please visit our facebook page and "Like It" Of course if you really like it. :)
03 Apr, 2024 ** Feel free to use this article on your website. All I ask is to add at the bottom of the article: Compliments from Functional Medicine University and have it linked back to ** Read my past articles: ===================== View Rick Bramos Fitness YouTube Channel Here is Rick's New Video of the Week: Rick is now offering phone consultations for those wanting to lose weight or simply to improve their fitness. Rick can be reached at for more details. ===================== ATTENTION DOCTORS AND ALL HEALTHCARE PRACTITIONERS Tell your friends and colleagues about Clinical Rounds . This is a great introduction to the field of functional medicine. Here is the webpage to subscribe: Take care, Ron P.S. Please visit our facebook page and "Like It" Of course if you really like it. :)
By Ronald Grisanti D.C., D.A.B.C.O., DACBN, MS, CFMP 13 Mar, 2024 ** Feel free to use this article on your website. Compliments from Functional Medicine University . ** Read my past articles: ===================== View Rick Bramos Fitness YouTube Channel Here is Rick's New Video of the Week: Rick is now offering phone consultations for those wanting to lose weight or simply to improve their fitness. Rick can be reached at for more details. ===================== ATTENTION DOCTORS AND ALL HEALTHCARE PRACTITIONERS Tell your friends and colleagues about Clinical Rounds. This is a great introduction to the field of functional medicine. Here is the webpage to subscribe: Take care, Ron P.S. Please visit our facebook page and "Like It" Of course if you really like it. :)
13 Mar, 2024
At the very least, you'll want to keep this to a minimum. Inflammation is often visible—think red skin or a swollen knee. However, inflammation can also occur on the inside, and it's not always so easy to detect. "Inflammation is a physiological process involved in the defense of our body and the repair of tissues," says Jenna Stangland, RD , a Momentous advisor. Stangland explains that inflammation can be triggered by infections, trauma, toxins or allergic reactions. Sometimes, it becomes chronic in the muscles and tissues. Unfortunately, Stangland says chronic inflammation carries risks. "Chronic inflammation can end up stimulating the development of cardiovascular diseases, autoimmune disease, neurological disease or cancer," Stangland says. "This type of inflammation can last several months as a result of inability to combat and reduce it." Diet isn't a cure-all for chronic inflammation or the diseases it can trigger. However, it's an important tool. "Diet plays a significant role in inflammation, as certain foods can either promote or reduce inflammation in the body," says Michelle Routhenstein, MS, RD, CDCES, CDN , a preventive cardiology dietitian at . One food in particular is worth avoiding. RDs shared the food to limit if you have chronic inflammation. Related: The One Diet That Will Actually Lower Your Heart Attack Risk, According to Cardiologists
18 Dec, 2023
Ronald Grisanti D.C., D.A.B.C.O., DACBN, MS, CFMP
27 Nov, 2023
18 or 80 most anyone can do these. Remember create a habit first.  Perform these exercises just twice a week.
27 Nov, 2023
Ronald Grisanti D.C., D.A.B.C.O., DACBN, MS, CFMP Alzheimer's is the most common form of dementia. Its symptoms vary but may start with mild memory loss or difficulty remembering words or names. As it progresses, Alzheimer's causes worsening confusion and memory loss, changes in personality, the inability to perform everyday tasks and more. Alzheimer's is caused by a slow build-up of protein plaques and tangles in the brain that eventually cause brain cells to stop working properly. This build-up usually starts years before a person experiences symptoms. Alzheimer's-related memory loss is caused by brain cells working improperly and dying-a process known as neurodegeneration. Alzheimer's is estimated to account for about 60% of dementia cases. Diagnosing Alzheimer's Until recently, it has been difficult to identify the biological changes that indicate Alzheimer's. The typical evaluation, which includes physical exam, blood and urine tests and cognitive testing may provide ambiguous or conflicting answers, which can result in delayed referrals until symptoms become clearer. That has changed with new technology and testing. Labcorp has developed a new test called the Amyloid-Tau-Neurodegeneration (ATN) Profile ( ATN Profile) to help doctors detect evidence of biological changes consistent with Alzheimer's. These tests are the first objective tools that doctors have to help evaluate Alzheimer's, meaning that with a simple blood test , doctors and other health professionals allowed to order labs can get a clearer answers on Alzheimer's and its progression and get patients on a care plan earlier. This will in fact give physicians a simple, objective test for Alzheimer's disease pathology that can help shorten the time to diagnosis. Labcorp is the first company to make a fully blood-based ATN Profile commercially available. What is ATN? The ATN framework establishes a means for classifying biomarkers based on the biological evidence of Alzheimer's disease that each marker provides These markers are divided into three categories to reflect the three primary biological changes associated with Alzheimer's: A for amyloid plaques: Accumulations of beta-amyloid 42 proteins begin to form plaques in the brain years before initial symptom onset T for tau tangles: The beta-amyloid 42 accumulation causes misfolding of tau proteins, which tangle into knots and disrupt normal brain cell function N for neurodegeneratio : Brain cell functional impairment causes the cells to die, which exacerbates the characteristic cognitive impairment symptoms observed in Alzheimer's patients
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